Accelerated Claims FAQs
Why would I need ACI when we do a good job on our own?
If you find that your data indicates that you are performing at or below the national average of 23% in reimbursement to gross charges on MVAs, then there likely is opportunity to increase your MVA revenue. ACI often averages in excess of 30% and sometimes as high as 60%.
What is required to implement your program?
Implementation is seamless and done with minimal effort on the part of the hospital. Primarily, we need a small area for our on-site staff in proximity to the ED, and ACI will provide the Implementation Project Manager who will guide the hospital through the process. We are able to go live within 60 days of contract execution.
We are not a trauma center. Do we see enough MVAs and work-related injuries to justify the program?
Most MVAs and work-related injuries do not go to trauma centers. The typical MVA or Workers’ Compensation patient is driven in by themselves or family, and their injuries are soft-tissue in nature – not serious injuries. If your ED sees 30,000 visits or more annually, ACI will be able to apply its expertise in order to drive MVA and Workers’ Compensation reimbursement for your hospital.
Does ACI handle any other type of Third Party Liability accounts?
Yes. ACI handles multiple types of TPLs. This includes MVAs, Workers’ Compensation (WC), and General Liability accounts.